Eclipse Day China
北京 2013年6月29日 (周六)full day
official page Eclipse Day China
The event is free, please register ASAP to reserve your seat. 此次活动免费,因席位有限,请务必尽早注册预留席位。
Registrations is closed. Limited number of guests (up to 10) can join remotely via WebEx. Contact organizers. There is waiting list on 报名结束了。只有等着的列表。试试你的机会。
If you are coming from other city (not Beijing) or want to do demo or help around on Eclipse Day, please contact organizers. We need person who will lead Track 2 (come with notebook, connect with remote presenters, be whole day on the site). Speakers and co-organizers are always welcomed!
如果你要从另外的城市来,请联系我们能不能帮助你们。I you are coming from other city please contact us if we can help you.
Registration was on | 报名结束了。注册的在
- 微博活动网页/897258
- 要报名 (Select 选择 register with email)
- 或者在报名,都可以。
Organizers 组织者
Location 场地
Date and Time 时间
Agenda 议程
Eclipse编程马拉松活动(Eclipse Hackathon)
See official agenda at
Lucky draw prize (for those registered before June 18th)
is provided by BlackBerry company
See also speakers.
Presentations materials 演示资料
Are now on separate page 现在在这里
In media 媒体
- Eclipse Day China——面向中国开发人员和Eclipse爱好者的免费活动
- 安讯将于6月底分享开源BIRT相关知识
- BIRT Exchange Forum > Community Blog> Community BIRT> Eclipse Day China
- Warm up for Eclipse Day and Hackathon Beijing, 2013, read on Planet Eclipse
[what we have done last week (Eclipse Momentics Cascades workshop)](
Event coverage
[Tech in Asia Eclipse Day Comes to China, Local Developers Hit a Language Barrier](
Entertainment 娱乐
- Possibly mini-concert of “One Shot” band, we need guitar amplifier & drum set in ThoughtWorks office (contact organizer if you can help)
- Karaoke 卡拉OK if you want (not organized) 我们没有组织
Q: Do you know good karaoke club near-by that we can reserve (without deposit) and recommend to developers?
A: One is called 糖果, which locates in the north of Yonghegong bridge;
Another is 钱柜, on the south of Yonghegong bridge.
Both are great :)
Contacts 联系方式
Eclipse中国QQ群 321486747
Paul Verest +86 187 01029146, email