Call for Support 募集赞助
Eclipse Day China is 2 weeks away. We have venue, 99 registered, 22 presenters, 5 organizers and 2 volunteers… But no sponsors (except for Eclipse itself).
See Sponsors section in Eclipse wiki
This is call for support!
Half of Eclipse members are in China or have big Chinese clients. Please support Chinese Eclipse event as you do elsewhere.
There is no minimum requirement. We don’t really need much money (only snacks, best presenter & topics awards, maybe some lucky draw for 50$ present, etc) Help as much as you can. The most important is that you show support for Eclipse.
We still have 2-3 presentation slots left. Welcome if you have something to say to Eclipse Community in China!
And finally, it will be great joy if we find venue sponsor to hold up to 200-300 software developers and architects !
距离Eclipse Day China活动还有2周时间,我们已经有99名注册人员, 22名演讲人,5家合作主办公司,2名志愿者, 我们需要更多的赞助.
近一半的Eclipse成员在中国, 或者拥有庞大的中国客户。 请尽您所能支持中国Eclipse活动。
赞助没有金额限制,我们目前只是需要小额赞助(例如:午餐、饮料、奖品-最佳演讲者&最佳演讲内容,或者幸运抽奖)。任何金额的赞助对我们来说都是非常重要的, 代表着您对Eclipse的支持。
我们还有2-3个演讲席位, 如果您有兴趣, 欢迎您的加入!
Eclipse Day organizers